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Stone Real Estate Gmbh

High-Quality Real Estate Development: Driving Growth and Sustainability

Instone Group's Commitment to Excellence

Instone Group is a leading real estate company that has consistently delivered high-quality development and construction projects for over three decades. Our unwavering focus on quality has earned us a reputation for excellence in the industry.

Cooperative Approach to Investor Success

We understand the importance of collaboration and work closely with investors to help them achieve their financial goals. Our cooperative approach ensures that all stakeholders benefit from our expertise and extensive track record.

Full-Service Real Estate Solutions

Instone Group offers a comprehensive range of real estate services, covering the entire value chain. From land acquisition to development, construction, and property management, we provide end-to-end solutions that meet the needs of our clients.

Sustainability as a Core Value

At Instone Group, we recognize the critical role that real estate plays in environmental sustainability. Our commitment to green building practices includes the use of high-quality insulation and modern heating technology, resulting in significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Corporate Transformation for Growth

To support our continued growth and international expansion, Instone Real Estate successfully converted into a German stock corporation and relocated its registered office. This strategic move sets the stage for the company's future success.
